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Massage Therapists at Core Fitness LLC in North Haven, CT.

Meet the CORE

Neck Massage

Our Core Expertise

Each member of our Core Fitness team is trained and incorporates the principles of Applied Functional Science, 3D Movement, Performance Systems, Foot & Ankle, Functional Golf Performance System, Chain Reaction, and Functional Soft Tissue Transformation. We blend osteopathy and structural integration to increase mobility and help relieve chronic pain and reduce the potential for the emergence of pain which could become chronic over time. These techniques are integrated into our personal training and massage sessions.


Addressing pain is common in our practice.  Back and neck pain are caused by fundamental problems with the musculoskeletal system. Tight, stressed muscles contribute to pain by limiting freedom of movement, while weak muscles provide inadequate support for the body. This in turn leads to posture problems, stiffness, and other symptoms which can create a cycle of pain. By addressing the fundamental issues in the muscles and fascia, our practitioners work to lengthen tight, strained muscles with the goal of releasing tension and allowing those muscles to function more normally. At the same time, weak muscles are encouraged to grow stronger with the use of gentle, focused stretches which work those muscles. The muscles and fascia will also be manipulated to release pain and to encourage proper musculoskeletal alignment.


Regular sessions often address the early signs of pain, bringing the body back to a neutral state. These types of bodywork can be especially useful for people in stressful occupations, or for people with jobs that require repetitive motion, as these careers can place a great deal of strain on the musculoskeletal system.  Treatments are tailored to individual needs for best possible pain relief.

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Kurt Johnson


Massage Therapist


Kurt Johnson, Founder of Core Fitness LLC in North Haven, CT.jpg


Licensed Massage Therapist

Connecticut Center of Massage Therapy


NASM Certified Personal Trainer

Functional Movement Systems


Certified Orthopedic Massage & Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques

Freedom of Pain Institute

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Kurt Johnson is Founder of Core Fitness Studio.

As a massage therapist, Kurt assesses and treats the musculature, joints and bones, and fascia, helping to restore function while alleviating pain and discomfort. He uses a combination of therapeutic massage techniques and manual therapy, including, but not limited to: general Swedish massage, deep tissue techniques, joint mobilizations, trigger point release, and myofascial release.

He provides complete care through his experienced massage techniques, as well as the exercises that he recommends. All of his clients can expect treatments that are tailored to their individual needs and given the best care possible.


He also offers training sessions that address individualized and age-appropriate fitness programs. Kurt has extensive experience in strength, conditioning, speed, endurance, and agility training, with a focus on proper form and mobility. He emphasizes cardiovascular and strength training, as well as balance and flexibility training. Kurt helps to establish individual long-term client goals of integrating exercise and diet for optimal wellness. Through applied functional science, Kurt aims to educate clients in the physical, biological, and behavioral sciences to ensure continuous improvement in proper form, posture, fitness, and health.


Kurt's holistic approach draws on his expertise as a Fellow in Applied Functional Science, 3D Movement, Performance Systems, Foot & Ankle Specialist, Functional Golf Performance System, Licensed Massage Therapist, and Functional Soft Tissue Transformation.

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Theresa Colaresi

Massage Therapist


Theresa Colaresi, Massage Therapist at Core Fitness LLC in North Haven, CT.


Licensed Massage Therapist

Connecticut Center of Massage Therapy


NASM Certified Personal Trainer

Functional Movement Systems

Titleist Performance Institute Certified


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Theresa Colaresi is an integral member of the Core Fitness team and has a passion for helping people. She is a certified personal trainer and licensed massage therapist specializing in mobility, pre and post-rehabilitation, and issues dealing with chronic pain. She successfully treats mobility issues, injuries, and acute and chronic pain utilizing varied massage techniques. She assesses mobility, injuries, and treatment needs and works with clients to address their wellness goals. Her techniques vary and adapt to each client's needs, whether it be various massage techniques or movement therapies.


Theresa has worked in many different settings including fitness centers, private studios, and clinical environments. Theresa has a passion for learning new therapies and advancing her skill set. While keeping her credentials current she has taken continuing education courses including myoskeletal massage, orthopedic massage, Titleist Golf Performance, functional movement, and AIS stretching. Theresa aims to help clients achieve their wellness goals.

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Rick Alteri

Massage Therapist


Rick Alteri, Trainer at Core Fitness LLC in North Haven, CT.jpg


Southern Connecticut State University: B.S. Kinesiology - Human Performance.

Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy, Newington: High Honors Graduate


CT Licensed Massage Therapist

Certified in Functional Range Conditioning

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Rick Alteri's belief is in the redemptive power of exercise. His treatments are holistic in spirit though disciplined in execution.


As an ACSM certified Exercise Physiologist, personal trainer, and LMT, Rick’s ability to meet the challenge of individuals with limited movement, injury, or pain becomes an inspiration to his clients. He chooses to engage with clients at a profound level, and his skill as a trainer is that he can take any client and find a way to successfully motivate them. He has a lot of empathy and sensitivity, and adapts to each client’s needs.  His work permits him to utilize all his education, training, and experience to help other people.

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Corey Chenard

Massage Therapist

Corey Chenard, Massage Therapist at Core Fitness LLC in North Haven, CT
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